Who We Are
The Council of Canadian Ophthalmology Residents (CCOR) is a committee of the Canadian Ophthalmological Society (COS). Our group is run by volunteer ophthalmology residents from across Canada. We provide a platform for resident collaboration, advocacy, and dissemination of educational and career-planning resources. We host both medical student and resident-targeted symposia at the COS Annual Meeting, as well as other social events throughout the year.

Follow us on Instagram @ccor_ophthoresidents for the most updates about upcoming events!

We also regularly send out emails via a mailing list managed by the COS. Canadian ophthalmology residents are automatically added to the mailing list upon admission to residency but if you are not receiving the mails then please contact Rita Afeltra, Membership Manager: [email protected]. Note this mailing list is intended ONLY for Canadian ophthalmology residents.
For any requests or questions you can contact the CCOR President via email: [email protected].